Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wedding Brew

Rather selfishly, I want to use the blog to get a brew recipe asap to start for my sister's wedding in June. She wants a tasty, not too hoppy beer that everyone will enjoy. If someone could scan in their ideas for me sometime today, that would be awesome because I am anxious to go to the store and get it started.


  1. Hey man, this is a cool idea! I think that you have to invite would-be posters (like myself) to become contributors to the blog before we can post. I think you can do that in the blog settings with Blogger.

  2. nice. the Falmouth Brewing Club is doing a similar thing for a member's wedding in September. I have approx. one dozen recipes from the last couple years. I'll begin posting a few this week. Because of the time frame, sounds like you'll be best off with a pale or brown. I have all kinds of dark and IPA recipes, but those are less universally enjoyed.
