Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wedding Brew

Rather selfishly, I want to use the blog to get a brew recipe asap to start for my sister's wedding in June. She wants a tasty, not too hoppy beer that everyone will enjoy. If someone could scan in their ideas for me sometime today, that would be awesome because I am anxious to go to the store and get it started.

Welcome Friends

Hey dudes and duddettes,

I have been thinking how I need more recipes for brewing and how we have all started brews from places all across this fair nation of ours. I propose that we use this blog to share stories, brew recipes, new techniques, etc. and use it as the first step towards starting a brewery together.

With each brew that you make, I propose that you scan in the recipe, write a short narrative of what you have done, take a picture of your brew in a glass, make notes on what worked or didn't, etc. I am psyched for this and hopefully you guys will be too.

dt, wb